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Fig. 4 | EJNMMI Research

Fig. 4

From: The image quality and feasibility of solitary delayed [68 Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT using long field-of-view scanning in patients with prostate cancer

Fig. 4

Delayed images on LFOV PET/CT showed the additional LNM in a 62-year-old primary PCa patient. Left supraclavicular LNM, para-aortic LNM and pelvic LNM could be detected on MIP of delayed LFOV images (tiles CD), whereas MIP of early images could not make the clinically sufficient diagnoses (tiles AB). Left supraclavicular small LNM (tiles CD, G) was more distinguishable in the delayed image due to the increased SUVmax value (3.3 at 1 h p.i. vs. 5.3 at 3 h p.i.), which was confirmed as metastasis by LN biopsy. The para-aortic small LNM was faintly visible in the early image (tiles B, I), while it showed the increased SUVmax value (3.3 at 1 h p.i. vs. 11.1 at 3 h p.i.) in the delayed image (tiles D, J). Multiple foci with avid [68 Ga]Ga-PSMA activity were demonstrated along the bilateral urinary tracts in early images (tiles A, B, L), whereas only one intense [68 Ga]Ga-PSMA activity was observed in the left pelvic region in delayed images, with a SUVmax value of 15.2 (tiles C, D, M), the CT image showed a small nodular lesion with a size of 7.5*5.5 mm, which was verified as LNM. Without the urinary urine activity interference, the pelvic LNM was more visible on delayed image

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