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Table 1 Total plasma and total hepatic triglycerides

From: Characterization of a novel model for atherosclerosis imaging: the apolipoprotein E-deficient rat




Total plasma triglycerides





156 ± 10

379 ± 41**

 4 wks

582 ± 50

499 ± 35

 12 wks

327 ± 40

355 ± 26

 26 wks

363 ± 35

455 ± 55

 51 wks

292 ± 40.0

842 ± 218*

Total hepatic triglycerides


nmol/mg liver


 51 wks

16.4 ± 7.5

53.5 ± 15.2**

  1. Data are presented as mean ± SD
  2. *Significantly different with a p-value < 0.05
  3. **Significantly different with a p-value < 0.001