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Table 2 Immunoreactive and autoradiographic-reactive sore

From: Heterogeneity of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) and PSMA-ligand uptake detection combining autoradiography and postoperative pathology in primary prostate cancer

Immunoreactive score (IRS) *

Intensity of staining (membrane)

Percentage of positive cells


0 = no color reaction

0 = no positive cells

0–1 = negative

1 = mild reaction

1 =  < 10% positive cells

2–3 = mild

2 = moderate reaction

2 = 10%–50% positive cells

4–8 = moderate

3 = intense reaction

3 = 51%–80% positive cells

9–12 = strong


4 =  > 80%positive cells


Autoradiographic-reactive score (ARS)

Intensity of signal

Percentage of positive grids


0 =  < 0.5*average SUV of non-tumor grids

0 = no positive grids

0–1 = negative

1 = 1st tri-sectional quantile of the rest SUV

1 =  < 10% positive grids

2–3 = mild

2 = 2nd tri-sectional quantile of the rest SUV

2 = 10%–50% positive grids

4–8 = moderate

3 = 3rd tri-sectional quantile of the rest SUV

3 = 51%–80% positive grids

9–12 = strong


4 =  > 80%positive cells

  1. *Modified from Woythal and Kaemmerer et al. (41, 42)
  2. #\(\mathrm{IRS}=\mathrm{Intensity of staining}\times \mathrm{Percentage of positive cells}\)
  3. § \(\mathrm{ARS}=\mathrm{Intensity of signal}\times \mathrm{Percentage of positive grids}\). Please note that the ARS is based on grids whereas the IRS takes into account the percentage of positive cells