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Table 2 SUV Repeatability metrics for all n = 38 lesions

From: Repeatability of 18F-FDG uptake in metastatic bone lesions of breast cancer patients and implications for accrual to clinical trials




SUVmin, SUVmax

2.0, 13.9

0.9, 6.4

\(\stackrel{-}{\varvec{d}}\) ± SD

0.20 ± 0.43

0.14 ± 0.20

di Min, Max


-0.26, 0.77

*\(\stackrel{-}{\varDelta }\) [-CI, +CI] (%)

4.4 [0.4, 8.3]

6.4 [1.1, 11.7]

-RC [-CI, +CI] (%)

-14.7 [-17.9, -11.3]

-14.0 [-18.6, -9.1]

+RC [-CI, +CI] (%)

17.2 [12.7, 21.8]

16.3 [10.0, 22.9]

\({\varvec{w}\mathbf{C}\mathbf{V}}_{\varDelta }\) [-CI, +CI] (%)

5.9 [4.4, 8.3]

5.6 [3.5, 7.7]

-RC0 [-CI, +CI] (%)

-16.3 [-19.7, -12.8]

-17.5 [-25.3, -8.8]

+RC0 [-CI, +CI] (%)

19.4 [14.6, 24.5]

21.2 [9.7, 33.9]

\(\varvec{w}{\mathbf{C}\mathbf{V}}_{\varDelta 0}\) [-CI, +CI] (%)

6.6 [5.0, 8.2]

7.2 [3.4, 11.1]

  1. *The 95% confidence interval of the average difference of log-transformed data,\({\text{C}\text{I}}_{\stackrel{-}{\varDelta }}\), was found to not contain zero. This was hypothesized to be a sampling effect and RCs were recalculated without subtracting the sample mean, as described in the Supplementary materials. This approach led to a slightly more conservative (i.e. larger) estimates of the repeatability coefficients and coefficient of variation, denoted in Supplementary materials Table S2 as ± RC0 and wCV∆0.