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Table 3 Differences in TLG between EARL2 versus EARL1 using multiple segmentation methods

From: Quantitative and clinical implications of the EARL2 versus EARL1 [18F]FDG PET-CT performance standards in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

Segmentation method for MTV

Median TLG EARL1 (g)

Median TLG EARL2 (g)

Median difference* (g)

Median difference* (%)

p value


64.7 (22–168)

69.2 (28–175)

5.2 (3.5–7.3)

7.2 (4.7–15)

 < 0.001


59.4 (20–139)

67.1 (24–148)

7.2 (4.4–11)

12 (7.3–23)

 < 0.001


54.5 (16–121)

64.3 (24–135)

9.9 (6.0–14)

18 (12–38)

 < 0.001


42.7 (17–94)

43.8 (17–102)

1.9 (− 0.5–7.9)

4.9 (− 2.7 – 8.3)

 < 0.001


29.3 (11–71)

33.3 (12–83)

3.2 (− 0.4–7.0)

9.2 (− 2.5 – 14)

 < 0.001

  1. Absolute and relative differences between EARL1 and EARL2 are calculated in reference to EARL1
  2. *Median based on the differences of paired data. Values in parentheses represent the interquartile range