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Table 1 Median relative differences (% with IQR) in IDIF AUC of PVC-images compared to uncorrected images

From: Partial-volume correction in dynamic PET-CT: effect on tumor kinetic parameter estimation and validation of simplified metrics


Entire curve

Peak only (2.5 min)


PP calibrated


PP calibrated


−0.8 (−1.2 to 0.6)

−0.7 (− 1.3 to − 0.2)*

− 2.0 (− 3.4 to − 0.9)*

− 1.8 (− 3.7 to − 0.9)*

LR + HYPRmoving

− 0.7 (− 1.2 to 0.6)

−0.6 (− 1.1 to − 0.1)*

− 2.2 (− 3.2 to − 0.5)*

− 2.0 (− 3.3 to − 1.1)*

LR + HYPRsingle

− 0.8 (− 1.2 to 0.6)

0.0 (0.0 to 0.0)

−0.9 (− 1.2 to 0.7)

0.0 (− 0.1 to 0.1)

  1. *p < 0.05. PP parent plasma