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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of patients with polymyositis or dermatomyositis and control persons

From: Quantitative 3D scintigraphy shows increased muscular uptake of pyrophosphate in idiopathic inflammatory myopathy


All patients (N = 90)

Controls (N = 48)

p value

Age (years)

60.3 ± 1.3

59.9 ± 1.2


Body weight (kg)

78.7 ± 1.9

74.7 ± 1.8


Height (m)

1.70 ± 0.01

1.69 ± 0.01


Body mass index

27.3 ± 0.6

25.9 ± 0.4


Female, N (%)

57 (63)

32 (67)


PM/DM, N (%)

60 (67)/30 (33)


MMT8, 0–80

72.5 ± 0.8


HAQ, 0–3

0.68 ± 0.08


MD global activity, VAS 0–10 cm

2.64 ± 0.25


PA global activity, VAS 0–10 cm

4.92 ± 0.31


CK relative valuea

2.99 ± 0.75

  1. MMT8: each of eight muscle groups scored 0–10; lower scores indicate reduced strength. HAQ, MD and PA global activity: higher scores indicate more severe disease activity
  2. PM polymyositis, DM dermatomyositis, MMT8 manual muscle test including eight muscle groups, HAQ Health Assessment Questionnaire, MD physician, VAS visual analogue scale, PA patient
  3. aThe value of creatine kinase divided by the local upper reference value